PADI Discover Mermaid Experience
An introductory taste of mermaiding, involving a briefing and a short pool session in mermaid tail.
Service Description
The PADI Discover Mermaid experience is for participants who just want to try mermaid swimming/diving. Your instructor Dianne will conduct the experience in a pool, in water shallow enough to stand, and at a maximum ratio of 4:1 for adults, 1:1 for kids aged 6-8 years and 2:1 for kids aged 8-10 years. The experience will go for 30mins and will involve a mermaid briefing and a mermaid pool session. The Discover Mermaid Experience is designed simply as a very basic 'taste' of mermaiding. Summary: > PADI Certification: Not applicable for this experience. > Prerequisites: n/a > Minimum Age: 6 yrs > Max Depth: Shallow enough to stand > Student to Instructor Ratio: 1:1 kids 6-8yrs 2:1 kids 8-10yrs 4:1 max > Duration: 30 mins > What's Involved: Mermaid Briefing & Pool Session > What's Included: Mono-fin & mermaid tail. > What's Not Included: Mask/goggles, snorkel (optional), swimmers/rashvest, pool entry fees.

Contact Details
Cairns QLD, Australia